Sky Payments offers the industry’s most innovative approach to payment processing. We combine traditional payment processing with new technologies like pinless debit and same day ACH processing to guarantee a double digit reduction in processing costs over any other provider. These technologies are carefully crafted inside a proprietary gateway that gives your platform ultimate control over the user experience.
Your customers can process payments on your platform with a simple onboarding API then leverage a combination of wireframes and integrations to customize the payment experience to your liking.
Sky’s payment technology can offer your platform a strategic competitive advantage due to meaningful savings in price sensitive industries.
Your platform and customers will instantly benefit from Sky’s near decade of building the best payment technology that leverages new regulations to route card payments through low cost debit networks that reduce an estimated 50% of card payments by an incredible 75%.
In addition to next generation card processing technology that will give your platform and your customers a multi-year competitive advantage, Sky has also made significant investments in ACH technology to let businesses accept ACH payments with the same ease as card payments, with same day deposits and verification directly through the Fedwire.
All this technology is available to our customers and platform partners.
What you gain when using Sky’s gateway and APIs to power payments to
customers on your platform.
The most important factor in choosing a payment partner is understanding how the features and capabilities fit with your platform needs. Sky’s APIs enable your platform to process many payment types, both card and ACH payments in many ways.
Card present payments from point of sale are currently unavailable to platform partners. Platform partner customers can leverage Sky for card present payments. In Q4 2024 Card present payments on SkyView will be added to our APIs for platforms.
Sky differentiates itself with the ability to reduce chargeback claims and losses for business customers.
Our unique offerings that allow businesses to create and integrate digital contracts and business agreements prior to payments to clearly articulate terms is available to our platform partners via API, along with the availability of custom digital disclosures post transaction. Collectively, these technologies have allowed Sky to reduce chargeback claims by 500% and more than double the win rate of Sky merchants — benefits we excitedly provide to our platform partners.
Learn more about chargeback protection →Sky’s payment gateway allows your customers to accept payments on your platform leveraging our technology, without your platform needing to be PCI compliant. Our gateway is accessible via API, requires minimal programming, and includes detailed instructions along with access to our dedicated support and integration teams to assist with adding payments to your platform.
Platform partners and their customers have access to detailed analytics and reporting on a dedicated Sky dashboard. Platform partners may also choose to build custom analytics and reporting features to strengthen their software solutions, all of which are available in our API.
A simple, streamlined, frictionless onboarding process is imperative for Platform partners as they onboard their existing customers to a new payment solution. Sky’s plug and play onboarding takes minutes to complete and then instantly allows platform users to begin processing payments.
Schedule a call with our CSO, Jason Reed, for a no pressure exploratory call to see if Sky Enterprise is right for your business.
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